Saturday, November 17, 2012

DEM: Digital Elevation Model

The geographic coordinate system used for this DEM is the NAD83 (the North American Datum 1983). The extent information is: from top to bottom 39.8929°N to 39.3838° and from left to right -105.7889°W to -104.9694°. From the Aspect Model, it can be seen that the area largely faces south or southwest. The rightmost part of the map, however, faces west or northwest. The Shaded Relief Model indicates that the elevation on the DEM decreases as it moves to the east. The Slope Model, which reflects the steepness of a given surface of a DEM, shows that the elevation is relatively low, with the far right ranging from 0 to about 944,113 feet. In some places, however, the elevation reaches, and exceeds, 8,497,016.472 feet. 

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